Legal Notice

Details as required by section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG):

C. Gielisch GmbH

Neuer Zollhof 1

40221 Düsseldorf


Postal address

C. Gielisch GmbH

Postfach 19 02 52

40112 Düsseldorf


Represented by:

Claus Gielisch, Claas Peitz, Ralf Radermacher




phone +49 211 13806-01

fax: +49 211 3236830



Registered with Düsseldorf Local Court (commercial register entry HRB 11776)
VAT ID number as required by section 27 of VAT act:


Legally responsible staff member for content under section 55 of German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty:
Stephanie Borzutzki, borzutzki(at), C. Gielisch GmbH, Neuer Zollhof 1, 40221 Düsseldorf

Layout design and technical implementation: Unternehmen Online GmbH & Co. KG